Artist Illustrates Hilarious Life Of Couple, And Now They Have Baby Girl As Well!
It’s worth winning the Oscars.
Yehuda Devir, Tel-Aviv based artist with over 4.8 million followers on Instagram has been getting people excited with his illustration about his wife, Maya as well as his everyday activities. A few months back, the couple had disclosed they are pregnant in a hilarious illustration that depicted their Journey to having a new life.
More info: Instagram

Ranging from the joy to the pain experienced the couple along the way made it into an animated documentary that specifically is worth winning the Oscars. His wife, Maya furnishes Devir with all the details he needs to create his adorable and often relevant comics.

Whether she’s riding the house of cockroaches, using him as her personal protectors (Pillow) had inspired Devir to work out.

Smashing the kitchen, while making some delicious food has been part of the illustration journey.

Devir’s comic has however been in demand and we’d show you some of his latest and amazing work in his ongoing series titled “One of Those Days.

This series will be well understood by persons suffering in a relationship.

That being said, from birthday celebrations to wardrobe dilemmas, down to haircut meltdowns and Game of Thrones race, Devir’s comics are very interesting and cute as they are chronological.