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Guy Illustrates How Boys Develop Sexism From Small Discussions With Adults And It’s Hilarious


Guy Illustrates How Boys Develop Sexism From Small Discussions With Adults And It’s Hilarious

“Growing up, my favorite character was Matilda.”

Many individuals including Parents and Teachers across the world tend to play a huge role in a child’s upbringing – particularly in the child’s socialization and development.

Many things that transpired while in their childhood can tend to mature later as they grow in life. Hence, it’s very crucial you and anyone else involve train up a principled human being.

While it’s easy to get distorted since nobody is perfect, the most important thing to nail on the head is accepting the mistakes and improving on a fall.

Just recently, an Illustrator named Damian Alexander has generated a comic explaining one major area in a boy’s childhood that every parent, teachers, guardian, and anyone else should pay more attention to.

Pointing out the Sexism, Homophobia and Misogyny are a big aspect of why the society feels the male gender shouldn’t look up to women, Damian, however, did grow up in an artistic family and has a B.Sc degree in Fine Art.

“Growing up, my favorite character was Matilda. She was so smart and I related to her feeling out of place in her family,” The telekinesis thing was also really exciting to me.

Then there’s Anne of Green Gables, Hermione from Harry Potter, Mary Poppins, Mulan, and so many more. I think it’s because girl characters tend to use creative problem solving instead of outright violence, and I found that a lot more engaging.” Damian explained.

More info: damianimated.comInstagram | Facebook | Twitter

After seeing Damian’s comic, people immediately started relating to it

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