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Ramadan 2019: Why Do Muslim Fast?


Ramadan 2019: Why Do Muslim Fast?

The Holy Month – Ramadan entails the month at which all Muslims across the world engage in fasting. Specifically for 2019, Ramadan will happen through May 5 to June 4 and it is expected that all Muslim family withdraws eating any food or water substances during the day. However, sick persons, pregnant women as well as elderly individuals are exempt from this practice.

The Importance of Ramadan 2019

Muslim Praying!

Unanimously, Muslims all over the world believes that fasting reminds them of how dependent they are on God for sustenance – and equally they believe since it is part of the 5 pillars of Islam it is an important practice that must be observed. Nevertheless, this period helps them focus more on their personal relationship with God  and also help increase their spiritual purposes on earth.  During this 29-30 days journey,  engaging in sexual activity, smoking and chewing of gums is also not encouraged.  On the other hand, medications can be taken – but only for critical cases.

Can Water be Taken In-Between?

Ramadan Calender

Muslims are not expected to eat nor drink during daytime. Meals are to served immediately after prayer – either before sunrise or at sunset.  Importantly, the meal taken in the evening – Iftar marks the end of their fasting every day and the time varies as a result of the daylight hours of most countries.

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