Sony Produces Wearable Air Conditioner To Keep You Cool In Summer
Plans to launch the device for the 2020 summer Olympics in Tokyo.
Sony Reon Pocket is recognized as an air conditioner that will keep you at a cool temperature whether you’re in the scorching sun, on a crowded train or watching a ball game.
Very portable, the wearable device was produced as part of Sony’s startup acceleration program and was just sponsored on the company’s crowdfunding website.

Started its development for two years now, the Reon Pocket can equally be used as a heater. Officially concluded after conducting a survey with businessmen in Tokyo, about their needs and how they’d like to be cooler even while wearing suits, Sony produced the unique model.
Specifically, the Roen Pocket works well with a thermo-electric cooling and it is said to be able to reduce to the wearer’s body temperature by 23 degrees Fahrenheit, about 13 degrees Celsius. Accordingly, a user can warm up to about 14 degrees Fahrenheit, 8 degrees Celsius.

The unique device – Roen Pocket is planned to be used in tandem with a special undershirt that has a pocket at the top of the neck. It, however, weighs about 3 ounces, 85 grams and connects to an app on your smartphone. The Apps helps you to regulate the temperature and works for both Android and iOS phones and charge up with a standard USB-c.

Once fully charged for 90minutes, the portable device works longer to keep the wearer comfortable and fresh in many circumstances.
Nevertheless, within few days of its release, the Roen Pocket has reached its crowdfunding goal and is presently sold out in pre-orders.

The company also plans to launch the device for the 2020 summer Olympics in Tokyo, implying fans will see a lot of comfortable and cool spectators functioning effectively during the sporting event.