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Top 5 Most Volatile Cryptocurrencies to Invest


Top 5 Most Volatile Cryptocurrencies to Invest

Top 5 Most Volatile Cryptocurrencies to Invest

The change of the average value of a Volatile cryptocurrency over a period of hours, days, or weeks is used to calculate cryptocurrency market volatility. The higher the volatility of a crypto asset, the larger the oscillations. Some traders and investors profit from turbulent markets, hoping to profit from directional swings like the current increase in BTC prices.

Let’s have a look at the top 5 most Volatile Cryptocurrencies.


Stellar’s native coin is Lumen, which is an open-source blockchain payment system. Stellar was launched in July 2014 by Jed McCaleb, a long-time cryptocurrency entrepreneur who co-founded Ripple Labs and established bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox. Stellar aims to use blockchain technology to connect financial institutions and enable low-cost transactions in emerging economies.

Price:  0.337487 USD

All-time-High:  0.875563 USD

Total Supply: 105.44B

Volatility: 1.48


XRP is a decentralized currency exchange and remittance network that is validated by independent servers. The money used is called XRP, and transfers are instantaneous. XRP may be traded for almost any other currency, and its unique selling pitch is the lack of fees and wait times commonly associated with banks. It isn’t built on a blockchain, but a Hash Tree and its money can’t be mined since there are only 100 billion coins.

Price: $ 0.872961 USD

All-time-High: $ 3.40 USD

Total Supply: 99.99B

Volatility: 1.73


Ether is a cryptocurrency based on the open-source Ethereum smart contract platform. Unlike bitcoin, which is designed to be a unit of money on a peer-to-peer payment network, it functions as a fuel that allows smart contracts to function. Ether is used in most decentralized apps, representing the largest percentage of total cash invested in DeFi initiatives.

Price: $2,546.84 USD

All-time-High: $ 4,382.73 USD

Total Supply: 116.29M

Volatility: 1.57


Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to use a secure, decentralized network to record transactions. Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrency by market value and quantity of data recorded on its blockchain, having been launched in early 2009 by its pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin miners, who assist in maintaining the network by uploading fresh transaction data to the blockchain, create new coins every 10 minutes.

Price: $ 40,283.56 USD

All-time-High: $ 64,829.14 USD

Total Supply: 18.74M

Volatility: 0.99


Litecoin is a cryptocurrency created by Charlie Lee, a former Google and Coinbase programmer. Lee cloned the Bitcoin source, raised the overall supply, and sped up new blocks to the network to create Litecoin. Only 84 million Litecoin will ever be produced, quadrupling the entire quantity of bitcoin.

Price: $ 174.83 USD

All-time-High: $ 413.69 USD

Total Supply: 67.88M

Volatility: 1.90


Cryptocurrency is chastised across the world for its ‘outrageous’ volatility, which often scares newcomers away before they can sample the delights of the cryptocurrency markets. People are more frightened by big red spikes on the charts with a double-digit negative percentage change in the pricing than by equivalent positive percentage changes. This is when the market’s price fluctuates substantially as a result of negative bias. It is defined as the price dispersion of an asset from its beginning price in a 24-hour trade.

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