Whatsapp Latest Bug Allowed Motivated Actors to Install Spyware Through Whatsapp Calls
Have you updated your Whatsapp to the latest version?

Just a few months ago, we had Apple making a serious mistake in their iOS 12 updates: people could spy through your front camera with Facetime, an act even a 9-year-old can do easily. The company declared that the issue has been solved with the newest update.
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Then, there is Whatsapp who joined the bandwagon. Although, most users can be relaxed because it’s not easy to stalk through Whatsapp even with a hole in the security system.
The simple way to explain this will be that an international cyber intelligent company based in Israel has found a way to install spyware to a targeted smartphone when a phone call is made. Regardless of whether it was picked up or not and that’s it.
The spyware is called Pegasus, developed by NSO Group’s and the program is sold only to state intelligence agencies. It is a powerful spyware that not only steals available data but also records new ones through the camera and mic.
Unfortunately, a lawyer based in the UK was found to be a target of the spyware, and the lawyer has subsequently filed a lawsuit to NSO regarding this issue. The lawyer reported an attempted attack on May 12 and has not revealed his name, according to Financial Times. In defend, NSO states:
“NSO would not, or could not, use its technology in its own right to target any person or organization, including this individual.”
It sounds fancy and all and indeed, it’s not easy for just anyone to get their hand on Pegasus, unless you’re a really motivated and well-resourced hacker. Whatsapp has predicted that very few have been affected by the issue.
Whatsapp is also encouraging people to update the app to the latest version as it solves the issue completely.