These 20+ Historical Facts Will Mess With Your Perception Of Time
History lessons that will keep you interested.
Unless you are an avid historian, it’s very likely that you can’t seem to figure out how ecstasy and Titanic have one thing in common. And you probably couldn’t figure out how Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth are somehow correlated.
No, they are not sisters; we won’t be talking about conspiracy theories. But we found out that humans perceive history and things of the past in very vexing ways; we have this thinking like of ‘old days’, ‘ancient times’, ‘modern days’ and ‘future’.
If that’s how you’ve been thinking, your brain probably can’t accept these facts we’re about to show you.
1. America’s 10th President, John Tyler (1970) has two grandsons who are still alive today, in 2019.
2. Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth are shaking hands here during a movie premiere in London, 1956. They were both 30 then.
3. This tortoise is Harriet who passed away back in 2016. It’s also the only tortoise who’s seen Charles Darwin in person.

4. The Egyptians were building the Pyramid in 2660 BCE when Mammoths were still roaming the earth.

5. Oxford University is hundreds of years older than The Aztec Empire (1428)

6. George Washington doesn’t know the existence of dinosaur as he died in 1799, 25 years before the first fossil was found.

7. Japanese was playing Nintendo when Jack the Ripper was still haunting London in 1889.

8. Anne Frank was the same age as Martin Luther King (1929).

9. This Bristlecone Pine is the oldest tree alive and was 1,000 years old when Wooly Mammoth died out.

10. The last person on death row for the guillotine in France died when Star Wars came out in 1977.

11. Pilgrims made it Plymouth Rock when ‘Palace Of The Governors’ was already erected in New Mexico.

12. Swiss women were granted their rights to vote during the year US drove a buggy on the moon in 1971.

13. The Oregon trail was first trodden by wagon in 1843, the year when fax machine was invented.

14. London Underground used to be transportation that also takes you to see public hanging.

15. Mother Teresa died 5 days after Princess Diana died on August 31, 1997.

16. 1967, NASA was already exploring space. Meanwhile, scientists finally agreed on tectonic plates.

17. Auschwitz prisoners didn’t know the taste of McDonald’s which was founded days after they were sent there in 1940.

18. Barack Obama won the election the year the last widow of a civil war veteran passed away.

19. Calculus was actually invented years after Harvard University was established.

20. Ecstasy was made the year the Titanic sank in 1912.