Dad Wears Tight Skimpy Short Shorts To Teach His Teenage Daughter A lesson
“I’m picking her up from school, with these on,” Hiley says in denim shorts.
Jason Hilley has a daughter and he wants to educate her that her shorts are too short. They should have gotten a longer one. So, in order to ingrain this into her brain, he walked into her room, saying “Kendall, we have to have a talk.”
We walked into her room in tight, denim shorts from Daisy Duke.
Jason Hiley and her daughter both in denim shorts.

“Kendall, we hate to have a talk.”

His shocking appearance sent both of his kids laughing in disbelief.

Dad challenged Kendall, “Get your shorts, we’re gonna see whose fit better.”

“Which ones?”, Kendall accepted the challenge.

“The new ones we bought that were supposed to be a lot longer.” She still couldn’t believe her eyes and tried out the new pair of shorts. Hilley asked his wife if he or Kendall wears it better.

“I can’t handle y’all,” mom answered while laughing and taking a video of the hilarious situation.

Hiley even said that he’ll show up to her school while picking her up in the same shorts. Kendall is going to have a very strict regulation that involves fully tinted windows and being very quiet.
Watch the video here:
This is the Hiley’s family who currently settles in Florida.

Jason Hiley’s pranking was recorded in a video and uploaded on Facebook with over 24 million views now! It has more than 145k shares with close to 7k comments on Facebook! Did Hiley’s parenting method work? Well, that might be a story for another day.