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Google Assistant Added A New Feature: Hands-Off Text-To-Speech Feature Added For Third-Party Apps


Google Assistant Added A New Feature: Hands-Off Text-To-Speech Feature Added For Third-Party Apps

Finally, hands-off replies on Telegram and Whats app while cooking.

It’s been a long-known feature of Google Assistant to help you read out your text messages aloud, but it’s definitely new for it to be able to read new messages from Whatsapp, Telegram and more. Google Assistance hasn’t been much in assisting when it comes to third-party apps.

This new feature was only recently rolled out and has been reported by others such as Android Police and Engadget. Previously, when you command your Google supported smartphone to read your messages, it’ll only read your text messages and Google-messaging app such as Hangouts.

It’ll send text messages for some, but that’s as far as they can go. Now, when you give it the same command and if you haven’t given the app permission to access your notification, it will be prompted.

Rita, an AP staff, showed how Google Assistant works with third-party apps for text messaging.

It’ll only ready though, so any video or pictures won’t be displayed and will simply be notified to you. And the app is not exactly perfect in working with multiple languages, so dual-language users will definitely find it annoying when you speak German and the app deliberately reads it in English.

But hey, at least it won’t be a problem for English users!

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