Alternative News
Jason Momoa Condemns Fishermen Who Filmed Themselves Cutting Off Shark’s Tail And Releasing It To The Sea
Disturbing footage filmed on a small fishing boat in Greenland has caused an uproar on social media. The video shot at sea shows two men cutting off the tail of a defenseless shark before throwing it back to the sea. Meanwhile shouting “Goodluck trying to swim you punk!”. Jason Momoa has called on the sadistic act in a tweet that has since gone viral

The poor creature has finally been identified as a Greenland Shark. Known as the longest living shark species, these large, gentle sharks do not attack humans and can live as long as 400 years old. Sadly, these creatures are also listed to be one of the species on the brink of extinction.
The video went viral and finally attracted the attention of the authorities. It was first shared by influencer Christl Johr Johansen

Celebrity actor, Jason Momoa, has also expressed his disgust at the actions of the pair, in an emotional Instagram post. “We all make mistakes but what u did was evil PURE EVIL,” he wrote. “You will get what that shark got.”
The video appears to show the shark trapped on a commercial fishing line belonging to an Icelandic boat. But instead of helping to set it free, the men, both Icelanders, for some reason decided to sadistically torture the fish, while filming themselves laughing at its plight.
Since the video was shared, the fishermen have been under sharp criticism from social media users. There is pressure to have the men prosecuted by Iceland’s legal authorities. They could pay hefty fines or face jail time if found guilty under Iceland’s animal cruelty laws. Although it is unclear if wild animals fall under this jurisdiction
“If no law covers this then they cannot be punished,” lawyer Árni Stefán Árnasson said in an interview with an Icelandic news outlet.

“This is a difficult matter because when the laws were drafted certain species of animals were excluded, including all the wild fish. So it’s a gray area legally to see if this is punitive or not.”
However, animal rights watch organizations think otherwise
“This is neither catching nor hunting. In my opinion, this is subject to the law,” she said. “A man does not hurt animals and lets go of it knowing that it will most likely be in pain and die in suffering,” said Hjalti Anderson a representative from Iceland’s animal right’s group (MAST)
“MAST is looking into the matter and collecting information but a decision has not been made as of yet,” he told us. “Under the animal welfare law, MAST can fine up to 1.000.000 ISK for animal abuse or request a police investigation. The latter can lead to prosecution and conviction.”
The owners of the fishing boat strongly condemned the incident before terminating employment contracts for the two. “We owners and shipowners Bíldseyar SH 65 disgrace and condemn the horrendous event that occurred in a video that accompanies DV’s news today,” they wrote in a statement. “So far, we have tried to adopt good working practices and responsible handling of the resource and the environment in general. This event is completely unjustifiable and those who were there for work have no claim. We have no choice but to reject further work by people who demonstrate such behavior. ”
Many social media users have expressed disgust for the inhumane act and are calling for the prosecution of the two.