Man Shares Touching Marriage Advice He Wishes He Knew Before Getting Divorced
‘Keep dating her, even after the marriage’
For a marriage to work, experts agree that both partners need to put in an effort. People whose relationships have not worked out, feel pretty reluctant to share the mistakes they’ve made. But this man decided to let others learn from the mistakes he made while he was married. Through a Facebook post, he admits he could’ve done things differently and, therefore, shared a bunch of advice for those who are in a relationship.
The post has since gone viral, being shared more than 140,000 times.
1. Keep dating her, even after the marriage.
One thing you should always remember is to never take your woman for granted. Remember the promises you made her while you were dating. Don’t change when she says ‘yes’.
2. Protect both her and your hearts.

Take good care of her heart just as much as you love yours. Be charismatic and love life but always keep a special place only for your wife. Be ready for her anytime she wants to be with you
3. Keep falling in love with her again and again.
People change — they never stay the same and you are no exception. Changes are inevitable and they will make you re-choose each other over and over again. Therefore, always fight to win her heart again, otherwise, she may give it to someone else.
4. Don’t try to change her.

Your only duty is to love her. So if she doesn’t act as you want, don’t try to make her someone else.
5. See the best in her every day.

Focus on the things you love in her to stay fully immersed in your love and to know without any doubt you are the luckiest man in the world to have her as your life partner. If you focus on her negative traits, you might resent her in the long run.
6. Never ever blame her for something that made you angry.

A few minutes could ruin a lifetime worth of value.
Just because something from the outside world is triggering you (your job, your friends, etc.) doesn’t mean she deserves to see your negative emotions. Cope with all the negativity yourself, Once you heal yourself, there will be no triggers left from her side or from the outside.
7. Control your own emotions.
It’s not her task to make you happy and she can’t make you sad either. You are obliged to find your own happiness and share it with her. Rejoice life, enjoy your love and don’t let beautiful moments pass by.
8. Stay silly…

Life’s never that serious, so shouldn’t you be. Remember there should be time for relaxation, laughing, and making her laugh. You might be amazed by how a hearty laugh can brighten things around you.
9. Let her be.
Don’t try to fix your wife when she is feeling frustrated, annoyed, or upset — all you need to do is to show your support and let her know that everything is OK. Make sure that you hear her and that she is aware of it, as well as remind her that you are the very person she can always rely and lean on. Women’s emotions are like tides — one day they are high, the next day they are low — so remain strong and never judge her. It will help to build that trust and the close bond that will help her open her soul to you. Never run away from your conversations, especially when she is upset. Be present, stay strong, and reassure her that you won’t leave her as long as she needs you.
10. Be present.

It’s not only your time that you should give to her, but your attention, focus, and soul as well. Always speak to her with a clear mind. Your wife is the center of your life so love her jealousy.
11. Cherish her soul and fill it on a daily basis.
Learn all the ways that make her feel needed, loved, and important. Speak her love language. Don’t be afraid of asking your wife to tell you what makes her happy and feel loved.
12. Don’t be a jerk.

At the same time, don’t be afraid to be an idiot because we all make mistakes. Both you and she are no exception… You aren’t supposed to be perfect, but at least try not to be too stupid. Don’t make too many mistakes and learn from the ones you already did.
13. Be willing to give her the power of your masculinity.
Be ready to carry her away, to love her sexually, and to fill her with all the masculinity that you have. While she melts in you, make sure she understands that she can trust you.
14. Be vulnerable.

You don’t have to act strong all the time, let your wife understand how you feel, your worries, and fears. Tell her the mistakes you have made.
15. She needs space, so give it to her.
Women are perfect at giving, but sometimes they need time to nurture themselves, and to feed their souls. give your wife this opportunity when she gets too tired of serving you, your kids, and even herself. When she comes back, she will be more energized than ever.
16. Be fully open and transparent to her.

Trust is the pillar of a strong happy marriage. Couples determined to build trust between them need to share everything, including the things each doesn’t want to share.
It takes courage to do this because you tend to show only your bright side and you can never be sure whether she’ll like your dark side as well. To really know the depth of her love, show her the real you.
17. Keep growing together.
Find something that you both like, set your common dreams and goals, and work toward them. Your desire to achieve a common goal will draw you closer to each other.
18. Forgive instantly.

Forgive and forget. Never savor your offenses Baggage that’s carried to the future brings nothing but trouble. If you keep holding on to them, they will anchor your relationship and hold it back.
19. Money is not worth worrying about.

Money is a game, so find your methods and ways to win it. Become teammates, find ways to succeed, and move ahead.
20. Choose love…always!
This is your most powerful weapon. Every time your relationship is in a rocky state, remember to make decisions in the best interest of love.