NBC’s This is Us Confirmed For Three More Seasons of Tears
Who is in for even more tear-jerking stories?
Cheers to all of you who have been waiting for it because NBC has signed and call for not one, but three more seasons of This is Us. Dan Fogelman confirms this as he tweeted the happy news.
The series started of as something that took everyone off guard. It takes its viewers through a roller-coaster ride of feels, tears, emotional breakdown, and happiness. This is Us tells the story of four families celebrating birthdays on the same day in the beginning.
It spreads into these four people facing their own issues. Randall, being the adopted black kid, Kate having issues with her weight, and Kevin trying to make things right once more. It’s a warm show that leaves you feeling satisfied with what you just witness, but the the content by no means is light.
The family doesn’t have the happiest life ever, but the interactions between each member is beautiful. We can see that Randall is the main anchor of the show, for being the only boy in the family whose origin is slightly different. The story, of course with dramatization, tells the story in the most realistic tone.
Every sad, happy, disappointing moments were crafted in such a way, it’s real. Finishing season 3 will keep you, not craving for new episodes because you are curious of the cliffhangers.
This is Us official Twitter has posted a video that shows a recap of what has happened so far. And what you can expect from the Pearson family. You can stream This is Us on NBC or rent the series on Netflix.