New ‘Spotify Stations’ App is Making Pandora Obsolete
Spotify Stations now available for download.
Spotify recently launched a new app called ‘Spotify Stations’ to several countries after its initial launch in Australia. This new app is giving listeners the new way to experience music and more of a discoverer than storage. It’s also a separate app that is free to use, although non-subscribers will have to withstand the ads in between the music.
Spotify Stations work similarly to the Radio feature by listing songs under different genre to be enjoyed. Spotify users can thumbs up their favorite and thumbs-down what doesn’t seem to be their cup of tea. This is similar to Pandora’s feature. And it’s interesting that Spotify is launching this as a separate app instead of integrating it with their original app.
But one not-so-impressive work of the app is that premium users can’t fast forward through songs. Thanks to the app being developed by people who are used to delivering different ways of experiencing music, it has a professional layout and easy to digest interface.
You can connect the new app to your external speakers similar to Spotify as usual.
The app also still have several bugs here and there and won’t mix different genres in a single playlist. And it might not be that good at playing your favorite music now, but down the line, this app will get better. Spotify spokesman talked to Billboard regarding this:
“At Spotify, we routinely conduct a number of experiments to create better listening experiences for our users. Some of those tests end up paving the way for our broader user experience and others serve only as an important learning. Spotify Stations is one of those tests.”