Quentin Tarantino Is Retiring After ‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood’
Maybe… R-rated Star Trek?
Bruce Lee (impression), Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and Al Pacino. That’s the kind of movie Tarantino did with ‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood’. And don’t forget someone who ‘has a lot of beauty in a lot of craziness’, Margot Robbie.
Tarantino has explicitly made known that he plans to retire after directing 10 movies. This one will mark his ninth film working with top tier actors.

However, despite wishing to step out from the director shoes, he did mention that he might not completely disappear from the world of filming production. He said in an interview with GQ Australia that he might become a writer instead.
“I think when it comes to theatrical movies, I’ve come to the end of the road. I see myself writing books and starting to write theatre, so I’ll still be creative. I just think I’ve given all I have to give to movies.”
This, being his ninth movie, may even serve as the last of his!
“If it’s really well received, maybe I won’t go to 10. Maybe I’ll stop right now! Maybe I’ll stop while I’m ahead. We’ll see.”

Tarantino was well known for the movie ‘Reservoir Dogs’ back in 1992 and his success continued with every movie he did: ‘Pulp Fiction’, ‘Jackie Brown’, ‘Kill Bill: Volume 1 + 2’, ‘Deathproof’, ‘Inglourious Basterds’, ‘Django Unchained’, and ‘The Hateful Eight’.
And if ‘Kill Bill’ doesn’t count as two movies, we can all make a pretty good guess of what kind of movie his 10th is going to be. Tarantino has long shown interest in directing a Star Trek movie as he’s been talking with Paramount and director JJ Abrams.
According to Brad Pitt, while he is dead serious about retiring, he won’t be doing that at least in the near future. Tarantino also spoke about the potential of R-rater Star Trek by him, “There’s a script that exists for it now. I need to weigh in on it, but I haven’t been able to do that yet.”