So, Joss Whedon Was The Reason ‘Justice League’ Flopped – Synder Had Done His Best
It’s like watching someone flush your hardwork down the drain.
Can it be done? Will WB listen to their fans?
The Marvel’s fandom is incredible that it sometimes seems literally impossible to create another superhero movie that can be better than theirs. Well, that’s until ‘Justice League’ which featured DC superheroes and with movies that are of darker themes.

What’s really interesting with DC movies is that the heroes and villains are sometimes borderline similar – nobody was born evil or heroic. Zack Synder’s ‘Justice League’ was all about that, but due to some issues, Joss Whedon was urgently put on the helm to make the theatrical cuts.
And oh, boy, did that went wrong.
In an interview with ComicBook.com, cinematographer Fabian Wagner reveals that he couldn’t focus on the show.
It’s really hard to say because I was watching it and I think I was crying all the way through. So it’s hard for me to say exactly how much was changed, but a lot was changed. It looked very different, and it’s sad for me because I loved working with Zack; I had the best time of my life. There were many other things on that movie that made it so good apart from the fact that I was working with Zack and the whole gang. I met my wife on that job. There [were] a lot of other things. It was just a great shoot, and so it was a shame to see the film the way it turned out to be.
You can just see, if you watched the first trailers you can see how the film should have looked and how the film did look when we were shooting it.
DC actually had the upper hand as they had very little actors to deal with and could focus more on delivering a good movie while Marvel has this gang of superheroes each with their own backstory that had to be handled properly.
The director of the Avengers had also put the show through extensive reshoots and stretched the movie’s budget, all for poorly edited Henry Cavill’s moustache and 2-minute bonus preview on Blu-Ray.
DC is also busy with reviving their best movies by giving them a reboot. And honestly, they haven’t gone wrong with at least two of their movies: ‘Aquaman’ and ‘Wonder Woman 1984’.
So, yeah, there’s only one way to redeem this: Release the Synder Cut. Or just release the whole raw footage at this point.