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‘Supernatural’: This Spring, The Family Is Just ‘Going Away For A While’


‘Supernatural’: This Spring, The Family Is Just ‘Going Away For A While’

He’s so open for more and so are we.

On Television Critics Assoc. summer press tour on Sunday, cast of Supernatural step up the stage to bid their farewell. As a family that has been running the hunting business on screen for 15 years and one spring to go, this seems like a great moment to tease fans that a revival is possible.

Yes, Jensen Ackles is actually opening up the fact that he’s always in for more SPN, “It’s a long journey that I don’t think is ever going to be over. I think we’re just going to go away for a while. For how long, I don’t know.”

He added, “I’m not ever ready to close doors or burn bridges. I think that’s foolish. Am I saying there’s something in the works? No. Am I open to having a conversation in the future? What’s the harm in that?”

It’s true that while fans have been dreading and wishing an end to the show, the announcement and expectation hasn’t made it easy. A show that has been part of the life of many is finally reaching an end. But at least, Ackles managed to convince us that season 15 and 16 won’t be bad.

“Is that an end of our hunting business I’m looking at?”

“You’re not going to please everybody — you just can’t — but for the majority of the fans that have been with us on this journey, this is certainly going to feel right and it’s going to feel good.”

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

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