Twitter Users Are Sharing The Things Dads Do, But Nobody Knows Why And They’re Spot-On
Science can’t explain all that we seek to know.
Obviously, there are many actions that we (humans) haven’t still figured out till date. For instance, why do dad grunts when they sit down? As well as will Artificial Intelligence overtake us? And many more are occurring things humans are yet to figure out. Particularly, there is more mystery centering on dads than the world itself.
To understand the origin of these reactions from Dad, Twitter users have started tweeting them and every question posted precisely describes each dad in the world of fathering.
However, the sad part is that even with the so much concern, many of the lingering questions are still unanswered. Apparently, science is the only means we make sense of the world we live in, but it, however, appears that even the same science cannot explain all that we seek to know.
Here are people’s tweets about dad:




























