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10 Hilarious Messages From Individuals Who Had Everything Under Control


10 Hilarious Messages From Individuals Who Had Everything Under Control

Electronic message remains the fastest means of keeping in touch.

Effective communication is one way of life that we (humans) can never do without. Being a social creature that always requires people around in order to live a happy life, communication is part of our being.

While some individuals find interacting with others face-to-face, quite challenging, one best means to overcome their weakness is through electronic messages and texts via smartphones. And even with the electronic messages, some individuals still make the conversation go awful, mainly because they can’t handle the situation.

These 10 exchanged texts compiled by Waterballoon demonstrate you always have to be prepared when conversing physically and even online with another being.

Ranging from a list of smileys to be used at the right moment to the kind of questions you should ask a friend or partner, the electronic message remains the fastest means of keeping in touch with people that are far apart.











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