10+ Signs You’re With A Good Guy
Don’t be afraid to step away if he doesn’t check out one of these.
You’ve been to three dates and everything has been beautiful – the dinner, the laughs, the jokes. But just one question remains lingering behind your mind: is this the right man you want to be with? Is he a keeper? Will he be a gentleman even when you’re old and wrinkled?
We all want a man that can really make us feel loved and as if we’ve found the right one. Here are 11 signs that hint you should say yes to that man!
1. He makes you feel beautiful inside and out.

You shouldn’t be the only person who works hard on trying to look good for your partner – he should also be telling you that you are amazing today!
2. He inspires you.
A good man is someone who stands by his strong and positive principle. Such confidence and determination will definitely sway you and are the qualities that help you feel more confident and strive to be better.
3. A supportive and self-sacrificing man.
Sure, a man is not responsible to do much on a first date. Sacrificing and supporting is also something that works both ways, not just from you to him. If he’s someone who’s ready to listen to your rants, make priorities between TV shows and dates, and got your back at all times.
4. They want to be better.

Your man should be the kind of man who always wants to become a better person. Doesn’t necessarily mean he has to be promoted at work or get a raise every year. It’s most important that he makes positive changes in his characters, habits, and personality to prepare a long life together with you.
5. He makes you feel secure.
It’s very easy for people to feel insecure these days with so many people tossing away trusts so easily like they were paper wraps. A man knows how important it is to not just say, but show they are keepers by doing whatever it takes. That includes being honest at all times as not to break your trust!
6. The cute little things!

The things that make you happy are not always major and giant! A good man knows your favorite food, favorite singers and sunset spots. They always want to make you feel special by doing these small things that just make your heart flutter.
7. He is an honest man.
As we’ve mentioned, feeling secure includes being honest. We’ll emphasize this one more time – no relationship can be built firm if it’s based on lies. A good man will be honest with you and they will want to learn to tell you the truth in the best way that won’t hurt you.
8. He doesn’t abuse – verbally or physically.
Avoid men who raise their hands or voice in an argument or debate with you. These men are not worth keeping or even staying around with. Stay out of toxic relationships when you can and don’t be worried that you won’t find anyone else – you will!
9. He’s always there at all times.
If you are thinking about a beautiful married life with that man, remember: he has to be someone who is prepared not just for ups, but also downs with you. He is a man who sticks it out with you even when it’s hard.
10. He works and waits patiently to earn your trust.
No man should be forcing you to believe that they’ve done a lot for you. He has to be a man who is willing to wait when you are ready and shows his credibility to gain your love and trust. You shouldn’t be the only working hard in this relationship.
11. Priorities.
At a realistic level, of course. He is a man who puts your feelings first instead of tuning in to his favorite football show. He remembers important things about you – your birthday, parents’ anniversary, the fact that you are cooking dinner tonight. He shows that he is a keeper.