16 Maps That Will Make You Cherish Geography Class
The Earth is diverse and huge!
The world is generally not all about boundaries within countries. And interestingly, the planet Earth is very diverse and huge that there several uncommon standards that can be used to differentiate between these countries.
While you can’t get away with maps, geography is, however, quite enjoyable when you largely concentrate more on the humans who are directly interacting with the universe.
Waterballoon offers you to take a look at the world expressed in uncommon maps that in turn reveals some amazing proofs.
Scroll down and enjoy!
(1) These countries are not familiar with the metric system
(2) These maps each section has ten percent of the total world population
(3) Here’s the figure of US dollar billionaires in Europe
(4) Percentage of more and less emotional individuals in the world
(5) The ever recorded highest temperature in Europe
(6) The universe of time zones
(7) Here’s the European Population that is below the poverty line
(8) Diverse countries’ climate analogs in Australia
(9) 1st day of the week in different countries
(10) The average age group per country in Europe
(11) These countries use the MMDDYYYY design
(12) International discourse
(13) Unbelievable Antarctica
(14) These cities are founded by the Roman Empire
(15) The average working hours per week in Europe
(16) The world is divided into seven regions, all of which has a population of about 1 billion each