20 Designs Depict What Happen When You Employ Unhappy People As Designers
They weren’t meant to make you happy.
To design is something that not everyone is gifted with. Apparently, we have pictures to show just how seriously hilarious it can get. Imagine that you own or encounter just one of them – the enlightenment that you get is so priceless.
These are 20 designs that might have seemed okay in a glance but pose serious questions if the designers were particularly mad or something. Because these are certainly things we would be avoiding if possible.
This cute soap got skinned.

That swan has seen things.

Fashion needs to stop.

Locker room for tough and daring people.

Omg, who sells expiring bread- oh.

Yeah, potatoes.

No, it’s not covered in mold. Yes, it has been washed.

Let’s buy a skirt that makes you look like you’ve spilled coffee on yourself.

How to make clock looks complicated.

This designer didn’t want anyone to live here.

Anyone wishing to be thoroughly fried this summer?

That gate is meant for those who has enough of life. And bad designs.

Someone photoshopped human smile on doggy.

Reads both open and closed. Life is complicated like that.

No problem, let’s just stick my charger on its eyes.

It’s Paais. Not Paris. Bold of you to assume it’s Paris.

How to tell girls they look ugly when using face masks.

I’ll just set that on fire. With the rest of the table I guess.

Coz paper is fire-resistant, right?

This is a urinal and toilet in Finland.