20 Pics That Show Boys And Girls Live In Two Parallel Worlds
You’ll begin to question yourself about these too.
For more than ten times, you will be shown your partner the things they were searching for but then it was obviously right in front of them. When you get it sorted out, it elopes into their world and they’re suddenly able to see it.
We at Waterballoon have, however, developed a theory that depicts that they really can’t see those things because boy and girls live in two parallel worlds. But if you are still not convinced that men and women come from a different world, we, then want to show you more remarkable pieces of proof.
After scanning through our compilation – 20 Photos, you won’t help but wonder how men and women understand each other. And we are certain that you’ll begin to question yourself about these too.
#1 ‘My partner asked what the meaning of ‘no’ on this switch

#2 ‘Obviously, he never understood when I said he should be the Penguin’

#3 ‘I asked my partner to grab lettuce on his way back home’

#4 ‘My boyfriend puts this up on his fridge in April and I left him a note to unwrap

#5 ‘This cat liked the keyboard and my partner came up with a lasting solution

#6 when you officially know how to use your girlfriend things

#7 ‘Can’t she understand? I have been trying to teach her how the thermostat works’

#8 ‘I had a fever and my boyfriend thought the thermometer was a pregnancy test kit’

#9 ‘She just sent me this, asking if these an HDMI cable’

#10 ‘This happens when you leave your husband alone with the garden’

#11 ‘His girlfriend told him she had no space in her wardrobe, but it seems he only has shoes in there’

#12 “The ‘my wife/girlfriend made me go to the mall’ support group is underway’

#13 “Wife concluded we needed a HEPA Filter in our bedroom. She bought one and set it up and reported it wasn’t again after sometime. And then I changed it 6months later. I did blame myself”

#14 ‘I am not certain if my wife understands what freezer bags are for’

#15 ‘I spent the whole afternoon installing this’

#16 ‘Look at the way my wife leaves the eggshells in the carton. She should have thrown them away into the trash”

#17 ‘Can you imagine! My girlfriend wakes me up with a timer instead of an alarm’

#18 ‘Her husband wanted to cheer up when she was giving birth’

#19 ‘My wife asked me what color I love the most’

#20 ‘My girlfriend complained I own to many video games and I sent her this.