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24 Heart-Touching Images Of Dogs Who Truly Love Their Owners


24 Heart-Touching Images Of Dogs Who Truly Love Their Owners

The love humans show towards dogs is genuinely reflected back.

The Domestic Animal – Dog has remained a best friend and best bodyguard for humans for many decades now. From their differentials – Guard dogs, Hunting dogs, and Cattle dogs, they have remained faithful and loyal to their owners and have truly served humans well. 

Their amazing personalities of detecting danger and vibrant in smell to including their fluffiness have made humans keep dogs continually in their homes as a family pet. Undoubtedly, the love human show towards dogs is genuinely reflected back.

A dog who is very familiar with his/her owner can do anything to protect the family and beyond – even at the verge of losing their own life. While their love is also reflected back, it is, however, the most lovable animal any human being can have.

You can sleep peacefully at night – knowing your dog is wholeheartedly awake, watching you sleep – Aww! Quite attractive.

We at Waterballoon have compiled 24 Heart –Touching moment/photos that displays how much our hairy friends appreciate us, and it’s sincerely enough to flux your heart.

1. “My friend’s newborn is less than 3 days old and their dog Zoey is already warming up to him.”

© ZeroTwitch / Imgur  

2. “There, there human.”

© louiebaur / reddit  

3. When it’s been a ruff day and all you want is some attention from your human:

© edilima / Imgur  

4. There’s nothing better than chilling in the park with your best friend.

© Guygan / reddit  

5. “When you get to bring your dog to work and she reminds you that you’re her favorite person.”

© LearnedBravery / reddit  

6. “My son and his puppy — they can’t get enough of each other.”

© LameSaucey / reddit  

7. “I have no doubt in my mind that my dog knows I’m pregnant.”

© okayyymovingon / Imgur  

8. A look full of love if I ever saw one!

© strawberryhichew / reddit  

9. A dynamic duo that will last a lifetime.

© SkankBoy / reddit  

10. “We’ve been looking for a buddy for our 10-year-old son for a few weeks and yesterday we found the perfect match!”

© ThatPatti / reddit  

11. “Please be careful. I really want cuddles.”

© PNWsea / reddit  

12. No matter how old they get, their favorite thing will always be being your puppy.

13. Cuddles are everyone’s favorite activity.

© WubWubDing / reddit  

14. “My boyfriend and his dog give each other a hug every morning and I happened to be behind him on the stairs this time.”

© kiana23 / reddit  

15. “My wife has been sick. Our pups seem to know she isn’t feeling well…”

© phaytal / reddit  

16. “While all the other dogs in the park were playing, he was reading a book with his human.”

© Gallowboob / reddit  

17. “Most people teach their dogs to not jump. Personally, I love coming home from work to a good hug.”

© ShinyDisc0Balls / reddit  

18. “My friend’s dog waiting for him to get home.”

© Nepkal / reddit  

19. “Mom texted me and said she was going to be a mother again. One minute later I get this picture.”

© Fat_Unicorn_Butt / reddit  

20. “My girlfriend took this picture while I was sick and asleep.”

© m4sterpieces / reddit  

21. “I’ll miss you so much. 2 hours away from you is too long!”

© Louvin / reddit  

22. “Just my dog spooning my baby. Nothing to see here.”

© JarodKnoten / Imgur  

23. They will always be man’s best friend.

© majorchamp / reddit  

24. “Don’t worry, hooman. You still have me.”

© Legallynuts / Imgur  

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