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Bride Cancels Wedding To Spite ‘Mother-In-Law’ Who Invited 80 Unwelcomed Guests


Bride Cancels Wedding To Spite ‘Mother-In-Law’ Who Invited 80 Unwelcomed Guests

Did she overdramatize?

A bride has the internet ablaze after she decided to spite her Mother-In-Law who invited 80 Extra guests without asking. While it hindered her from achieving a big wedding celebration, the bride acknowledged her MIL has always looked down on her because she came for an average home.

And the MIL really did go too far to have added 80 guests to her son’s and future daughter-in-law’s wedding two months before their big day.

Angered and furious, the bride came up with a plan and got back at her MIL by having the wedding she had always dreamed of, cancelled. – And now, she’s wondering if she had a mistake.

Earlier, the two have been at odds for years, and things came to the head when the bride’s MIL made a frustrating wedding demand.


With the four years of being together with her husband-to-be, the bride explained on Reddit that her MIL had always been overbearing and manipulative, of which the husband equally admitted same.

When the two (she and her husband) got engaged, the writer revealed things got worse, adding that she and her hubby had never wanted to plan a big ceremony because ‘it always felt we are planning out of obligation.’

She added: ‘MIL sends me a detailed spreadsheet with about 80 people on it, telling me that none of these invitees were optional, and I had better invite all of them.’ “This kind of flew me into a blind rage. I called everyone and cancelled. We got married in a national park with our two best friends,” she wrote.

Obviously, the bride got her initial wedding arrangement. But did she overdramatize?

Viewers Who Read Her Story Applauded The Bride For Making Such Decision:

“You had the wedding you both wanted,” one person wrote in the comments. “You didn’t want the big ceremony, not everyone does, you admitted you were doing it out of obligation and your MIL decided to invite 80 people to your wedding without your knowledge or consent! Telling you after the fact was a power play on her part, she probably thought there was nothing you could do about it since she thought you certainly wouldn’t want to upset her or all those extra guests. She put you into check. Your reaction was check and mate. It was a very nice (expletive) You.”

“MIL overstepped and you avoided unnecessary drama by just canceling the whole thing. You got married the way that you wanted to and in the end, that is what matters – it’s your wedding, not hers,” someone else wrote.

“You are my hero,” commented someone else. “Screw that lady and her manipulative (expletive). I’m proud of you for putting her in her place and a little bit sad for you that you had to. Hugs!”

On the other hand, some viewers felt the bride overreacted: They felt she should have put her foot down with her MIL more privately and not make such a big stink.

“I think you’d have been better just to put your foot down and tell her and her guests no rather than going full-nuclear,” one person wrote.

Someone else agreed that maybe it was a bit much. “Maybe it was a bit overkill because you could just tell her no and stand your ground,” they wrote. “But if in the end, you got the wedding that you and [Husband] wanted then it doesn’t really matter if you overreacted.”

Conclusively, the bride wrote she didn’t, however, feel bad for her MIL at all.

“I kind of wish the theatrics were there when we told her. She is very much an ‘appearance’ person, so she would never make a scene,” she stated.

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