Daughter Wanted To Brag About Her Stunning Mom On Twitter But Accidentally Initiated A Beauty Contest
Diluted with a bit of masculinity!
Many social media sites are becoming an unpredictable phenomenon and most posts shared hurriedly goes viral without remorse. This is however what happened to this young lady whose name is Your boyfriend’s best friend.

She shared a picture of her 43-Year Old mother on Twitter, just to brag, but accidentally initiated a beauty contest. Surprisingly, a dad won the contest, despite several moms partaking in the beauty contest.
Waterballoon couldn’t just pipe down and has decided to show some gorgeous women who understand the secret to have an eternal youthful look. And the winner was of course….
In less than 24 hours, a daughter made her mom very popular with her post garnering over 23,000 likes and a lot of hype in the comment section. Specifically, Twitter users were more concern about her beauty secrets as the mother really appear magnificent.
While some individuals asked for her the phone number of her cosmetologist’s, others were seeking for her phone number – portraying themselves as prospective suitors.

Reacting, some individuals started showing off their charming mothers as they started posting their photos in the comment section. In turn, the post turned into a competition.

With some users doubting if some were just indirect relatives with their mom, all of the women were extremely popular with men.

The front-runners were, however, women who are older than 60. A glance at them professes that age is actually just a number.

But the actual winner was a dad. A user with the name Taste Booster diluted the beauty contest with a bit of masculinity. And with all, the photo of a man lying down among all of the fish he caught, a dog and a cat got the golden buzzer as the winner.

The photo got about 1700 likes and trended beyond successful. Anyways, the photo of the person who initiated the contest was the only exception.