Disney Deleted A Scene From Toy Story 2 For The Best
Toy Story 2 has one of their faux bloopers deleted.

Back in the days, these kinds of jokes were used a lot and the people accepted it as something normal, understandable, a norm. However, #MeToo movement is finally taking a big sweep across Hollywood, especially in light of the ousting of John Lasseter due to his lecherous deeds.
‘Toy Story 2’ had an end-credit scene where faux bloopers are shown. In one of them, Stink Pete was seen flirting with two Barbie dolls and promising them a role in ‘Toy Story 3’ if they want. This casting couch joke seems light, but the suggestive joke was done in a movie that was rated G.
These faux bloopers are pretty common to run during credit scenes and they make the movie even more enjoyable. The scenes make as if these characters are real and many of them contain meta gags on the entertainment industry. Unfortunately, the meta gags aren’t really… gags. Sexual favors in exchange for a significant role in movies or even to be allowed to work in the industry has made its roots.

Lasseter has been allegedly accused by many women for “lengthy bearhugs” and “grabbing, kissing, making comments about physical attributes.” I mean sure, there is nothing wrong with telling an opposite-sex acquaintance that they are looking good for the day. But to grab, kiss and giving long hugs? That’s a big red flag there.
Disney has long known to be a company that censors themselves when racist or stereotyping scenes are made. But this is the first time for them to sexually exploitative behaviors in the entertainment industry. While Lasseter has been axed from Pixar, this next move to delete the couch casting culture is definitely for the best in light of the changing culture standards for casting and hiring people in the entertainment industry.