Game of Thrones’ New King Revealed That It Was Part of Martin’s Purpose For Him
It’s either he finishes it by then, or to be imprisoned until it’s done.
The last season brought about a lot of twists, not the show has been lacking it. But the season finale, which seemed to be rushed, showed how Daenerys who ended up becoming the Mad Queen and killed off by Jon Snow after decimating King’s Landing and Red Keep.
Afterward, Isaac Hempstead Wright’s character, Bran Stark, gets the Iron Throne. This fact alone surprised the actor when he found out he will be the next king after Cersei.

Will the books follow the same steps as the show? For one, we know that some characters had different things happened to them. Some were killed off when they still live in the book. Others didn’t get introduced at all. George R. R. Martin did not exactly mention whether it will be the same or not since he had an ambiguous answer.
Bran’s actor, however, recently revealed that the ending of the show was actually part of what Martin wanted to happen to the book.
“[Show creators David Benioff and Dan Weiss] told me there were two things George R.R. Martin had planned for Bran, and that was the Hodor revelation, and that he would be king.”
And apparently, Martin has decided to put a deadline for himself, which is to hold the sixth book of his series, The Winds of Winter by 2020 at the WorldCon in New Zealand, so fingers crossed here.