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Guy Creates Photos Showing How The Earth Would Look Like If Cats Were A Lot Bigger


Guy Creates Photos Showing How The Earth Would Look Like If Cats Were A Lot Bigger

The images are close to purrfect!

Have you imagined a world where cats are about three-meter tall, friendly and still fluffy?

Yes, I had imagined it. And only if the world were populated by giant cats, it might be a lot of fun. Now there’s a belief that most of us might have daydream giant cats while at work or in school – You are however not alone!

Worry no more, stop your imagination. This is however because a Russian Artist, Andrey Scherbak has shared over 150 photos of giant cats online and they are really gorgeous.

Interviewed by Bored Panda, Andrey shared a lot about his artistic life as well as the inspiration behind his giant cat series. Andrey however, lives in Rostov-on-Don and works remotely from home for an advertising agency in Moscow as a Creative Director.

More info: Instagram

Nevertheless, enjoy our compilation!































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