How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden Easter Eggs, The Answers, & The Future
After The Hidden World and that final joy ride, what about the future of the dragon riders?

“There were dragons when I was a boy.”
The trailer to the last movie of How to Train Your Dragon trilogy sent a bunch of people to sobbing in the corner. It was clear that Hiccup was narrating a story of his life, speaking from the current situation when dragons have gone into hiding in the Hidden World.
Let me wipe my tears for a mo, thanks.
How to Train Your Dragon started 9 years ago with little Hiccup trying to get around dragon slaying. Truth to be told, he didn’t have the build meant for it and his body actually looks similar to a famous predecessor if you watch DreamWorks Dragons series. The last movie features a villain that was like nothing before them and loves to hunt Night Furies, which explains why the species was so rare.
At the end of the story, Hiccup decided to part ways with Toothless as he saw the bigger picture: it’s time for Toothless to have his family. With Luna, the two of them left for the Hidden World and bred more Night Furies. Toothless also became an alpha as he rose to power when he fought against the Bewilderbeast in the second movie.
Did you notice the same Bewilderbeast from Drago with a broken tusk inside the realm of the Hidden World?

Director Dean DeBlois is showing through this to emphasize what Hiccup’s mother, Valka, said during the second movie. ‘Good dragons under the control of bad people do bad things’ but give them some time and with the right leaders, they can be accepted back into the community. That’s what Drago’s Bewilderbeast is working on.
Where do all the dragons go to after Hiccup’s retreat into The Hidden World?
Hiccup narrated that there were dragons when he was a boy which might sound like a majority or maybe all of them died out. In fact, that wasn’t the idea. Dean commented, “Dragons follow their Alpha, so the act that their Alpha went to The Hidden World, means they all went.” You also get to see Toothless with Luna and their babies at the end of the series!
Did Toothless forget about Hiccup at the end of the movie during their last meeting?
During all the times the two did not meet, a lot of things happened, and Hiccup grew some facial hair. Astrid became a beauty and both of them had a pair of children. As Hiccup approaches The Hidden World once more, Toothless flew and landed roughly, ready to pounce on him. It seemed like he didn’t recognize him and that was the fact.

Dean said, “…he doesn’t know who he is. He acts very protective of his family, and it takes him a moment. He has to get up and sniff Hiccup’s hand to confirm who it is.” Eventually, they remembered and Hiccup got his kids to enjoy a ride across the sky.
Dean and Jay concluded that there won’t be a spinoff for secondary characters such as Snoutlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Fishleg. “It’s much better to have it live with our fans wanting more. And have them keep the mythology of it all going,” says Dean who agrees with the beautiful ending of trilogy.