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Jussie Smollett Is Not Returning For Empire’s Final Season


Jussie Smollett Is Not Returning For Empire’s Final Season

‘Racist and homophobic attack’.

Jussie Smollett, the Empire actor accused of staging a hate crime against himself few months back will not be returning for Empire’s final season.

Confirmed in a statement by Lee Daniels -the show co-director, Smollett’s career on the Fox Show is now up in the air since he was pointed out for allegedly filing a false police report which he later described as racist and homophobic attack.


Accordingly, the actor was also accused of hiring men who assaulted him out of discontent with his Empire’s salary. He had however since the occurrence maintained he’s innocence and surprisingly a reversal in March 2019 had brought about the charges against Smollett been dropped.

This indeed, popped up questions around the case, and the city of Chicago is currently suing Smollett in order to recuperate the cost of the investigation.

Due to this uncertainty, many of Smollett fans had overtime since the case started questioned his role in Empire, most especially if he would be eliminated or not. His departure is now confirmed, so no hanging in the air anymore.   

Black Empire Cast Appealing

Reportedly, tension for Empire’s production has also been high since the case against Smollett begun. Currently, co-stars are appealing for his return via a letter sent to Fox executives.

“Together, as a united front, we stand with Jussie Smollett and ask that our co-star, brother and friend be brought back for our sixth season of Empire,” read the letter, which was signed by Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard


Seem the black Empire crew still believes their co-actor is innocent, many other white Empire cast think he is guilty as charged. The future for Smollett in Empire remain blank, supporters however still crave for his return.

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