Owners Named Their Kitty- Duchess And Then She Gave Birth To All The ‘Aristocats’ Characters
She’s now spoiled with constant meals and medical checkup.
We all have different wishes in life. Many of us had always wanted life could just be a fairy tale – or perhaps wish life could be like those scenes we watch in animation movies or cartoon.
Picture of a white cat -Duchess went viral online

Nevertheless, it’s always crucial to be careful about the things we wish sometimes. Because the most unexpected wishes said jokingly are most times the ones grant unto us. With that being said, we at Waterballoon has a story to share concerning Wishes.
Let introduce you to Duchess – A cat and her family, who had always wanted a life of a cartoon and now they are currently living it.
Although, it isn’t the first, neither will it be the last time a cat will bring in surprises or make us laugh out loud, but Duchess story has remained quite shocking for its owner and for some individuals on the internet.
Duchess was found in the closet with something that looked like a mouse at first glance

The possessors of Duchess revealed she was found in the closet with something that looked like a mouse at first glance. Not until they had a closer view and realized it was a newborn kitten with three more to follow.
The mouse came out to Berlioz, Marie and Toulouse, and a bonus kitten which came out –Blue.

“Although Blue is not an official Aristocat, he is the most affectionate and definitely steals most of the attention,” Shelby, the owner stated.
Shelby noticed that the kittens looked just like the characters from The Aristocats

While Shelby soon realized that the newborn kitten and even genders looked very much like the casts from the Aristocats, she admitted that Duchess has however been an extraordinary mother who never jokes with her kitten.
The attractive three kittens with unique colours

Adopted by Shelby-Lopez, who hails from East Texas, Duchess (the cat) at adoption was frail, had a hernia, falling hair alongside any other parasite any cat could have. – She’s now spoiled with constant meals and medical checkup.

‘Through all of the rehabilitating, she kept her calm demeanor and a beautiful cat emerged. She is unbothered by everything except the vacuum cleaner,” Shelby added.
Meet Marie


And Berlioz

Here’s What The Internet Is Saying About Duchess