People Skipped 4th Of July Fireworks To Comfort Scared Shelter Dogs Instead
Dogs have noise phobias.
July 4th has never been a day set aside as a holiday for dogs across the world. And aside the New Year and Christmas Holiday which we all know, a day set aside for loud noises and even fireworks can also be kind of a nightmare for many individuals.

Many family pets have the opportunity of hiding in a corner or under the bed, the Shelter Dogs aren’t that lucky. One Shelter did, however, come up with a remarkable plan to assist homeless dogs through the holiday.

Veterinarian Marty Becker acknowledged that dogs have noise phobias and it’s quite horrible.
While over 300 local community members in 2018 were present at two shelter’s location in Arizona and Phoenix to comfort scared dogs, Becker said: “A lot of times these dogs will self-mutilate.”

“I’ve had dogs come in that have run through a plate-glass window. They think they’re going to die, and when you think you’re going to die, you do crazy things.”
Also acknowledging that calming the canines at the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control (MCACC) has proven patriotism as kindness, Ben Swan, who’s the director of the Shelter’s Development disclosed in a press release that it was awesome to see how people responded.

“It really helped spread our message that MCACC is here to help.” He added.
Earlier, AZ Dawg Saverz Facebook Page Admin, Amy Engel did promise to visit 2019 Calming the Canines, after attending the 2018 session. According to Engel, some individuals read and sang to the dogs, while some person just sat and gave them some nice treats.

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