Photographer And His Wife Plant 2 Million Trees In 20 Years To Revive A Destroyed Forest And Lost Animals
Roughly the size of Panama is lost annually.
A Brazillian Photographer, Sebastiao Salgado and his wife, Lelia Deluiz Wanick Salgado have displayed courage and dedication by reviving a destroyed forest from deforestation to reforestation.
Reportedly, the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization had announced that about 129 million hectares of forest have been lost from the Earth since the year 1990, and added that roughly the size of Panama is lost annually.
With about 15 percent greenhouse gas emission coming from deforestation to including the out-numbered species of plants and animals losing their homes every day, there are currently heart-breaking figures for the health of our planet –Earth.
These rising figures shouldn’t be allowed, hence it can be reduced significantly. And two pair has taken up on the challenge.
Will you also do something to make a change?
Obviously, Mother Nature has always found its way to give back what we give to it – under the right conditions. Nevertheless, the two pair planted 2 million trees to revive destroyed forest and lost animals in Brazil.
Salgado, who is a renowned being having won almost all the award in Photojournalism had one time been emotionally devastated after a Rwandan Genocide, which led him back to his native home in Brazil.
Once covered in lush tropical rainforest, he was then surprised to see the area was devoid of wildlife and was barren, but his wife, Lelia encouraged Salgado that the forest could be revived to attain its initial glory.
“The land was as obviously sick as I was – everything was damaged,” Salgado and only about 0.5% of the land were covered in trees. My wife then had a fabulous idea to replant this forest. And when we began doing that, then all the insects and birds and fish returned and, thanks to this increase of the trees I, too, was reborn.” Salgado explained.