Rotten Tomatoes Fights Bomb-trolls By Introducing ‘Verified Ratings and Reviews’
Don’t worry, everyone can still leave a review regardless.
People love to go to Rotten Tomatoes to get a quick look at whether or not it’s worth to spend several hours on movies. RT has also been used as a reliable site in rating movies with the freedom for users to leave their reviews on movies.
“We know from our research that fans consult Rotten Tomatoes’ Audience Score along with the Tomatometer, when making decisions on what to watch,” according to Fandango President, Paul Yanover.

Users, regardless of whether they did watch the movie or not, can leave their comments. But unfortunately, bomb-trolling has created quite a confusion in the review section, particularly in the first female-led superhero movie, Captain Marvel.
The trolls were meant to retaliate against the ‘identity politics’ that comes with the movie as well as Brie Larson’s inclusiveness. Over 50,000 reviews under the title had to be removed since they were posted even before the movie was released. And Captain Marvel isn’t the only victim.
Verified Ratings and Reviews
In order to be able to be listed under ‘Verified Ratings and Reviews’, reviewers have to be able to prove that they have bought a ticket to the movie. Fandango is still working on allowing physical tickets to also allow reviewers to be listed as Verified. This works similar to the check besides official accounts on Twitter and Instagram.
AMC Theaters, Regal and Cinemark Theaters are also looking forward to participate in the program. Fandango has also announced that they will release a verification program.