True Love Will Find Its Way Back

It’s a strong word that sends you to fly high as you hear the words spoken by that one special person. It is the same word that your parents used to make you feel precious and safe. You feel like you are in bliss because you know the future is going to be perfect. Nothing can go wrong with this person beside you.
You tried to accept every flaw, you tried to change your every mistake. You apologized for your mistakes and forgive every disappointment.
Yet, the same person that once made your whole body shivers in excitement as he gave you your first kiss has seemed to change. The change that also made you realize that that future is never meant to be.
You first thought love is beautiful.
Now, you know it’s painful.
Nobody is perfect and neither you or that person can ever withstand forever the cuts and bruises you’re giving each other. The heart cannot heal that fast.
You compromised for something you know will hurt you. Your brain is making sense of an equation that doesn’t add up. But that’s how love is – it’s so blind that you will ‘jump in front of the train’ instead of pushing the other person out of the track. And then you wonder, “Where did I go wrong?”
There is no one correct way to deal with love because people are different. But during times when you can no more listen to understand, but only to reply, walking away is always better for both of you. Rage and love can really make waves of emotions that are hard to control.
So, take a step back and let your brain in the discussion instead of forcing what your heart has to say.
It’s not just about what you give – it’s also about what the other person gives back.
But it’s not business that you have to be profitable to continue. You know, deep in your heart and mind, if the person you are giving your all to is reciprocating your feelings. It seemed easy when you told your friend to get out of that toxic relationship. But now that you are in one, you just don’t know what to do.
When it’s so clear both of you are not meant for each other. That both of you are trying to put each other down. Picking on each other’s every word and action like a game of hatred.
Take a step back. You’re not always right, but neither is that person.
That person will come back, and hopefully, with more reasonable words. If they don’t, they are not ready to fight themselves for you. To change for the better to show true undying love. And when that happens, it’s going to be very painful that you feel like the world is crumbling down.
People are not stiff pieces of puzzles that can fit just like that without any effort. Love is about changing yourself to the better when necessary for your loved ones. It is also about learning to accept the other person as who he/she is. At the same time, it is also opening up to each other because you want the relationship to be something permanent.
Love will find its way back if it’s meant to be. Live to love and love to live.