World’s Shortest IQ Test Has Three Question But 80% Of People Failed It
You can try your luck, and beat the existing record.
Have you ever tried testing your intelligence?
If you’ve ever wanted to have your intelligence tested, but can’ sit through a lengthy IQ test, we at Waterballoon has the right solution for you.
Yes! There’s now a short IQ test, made up of just three questions. Centered on Maths, the test wouldn’t take too long to finish.
Warning! The Test, Is Tough.
Named the Cognitive Reflection Test, the IQ check-up isn’t new and had originally been part of a research paper published in the year 2005. Published by MIT, Professor Shane Frederick, the paper recently surfaced online, leaving many to keen into it.
Along with the research, Professor Frederick has had over 3,000 participants ranging from the educational background to even those attending top American Universities like Havard and Yale. But reportedly, All struggled to work out all of the asked questions.
Participants ranging from the educational background to even those attending top American Universities like Havard and Yale struggled to work out all of the asked questions.

“The three items on the CRT are ‘easy’ in the sense that their solution is easily understood when explained, yet reaching the correct answer often requires the defeat of an erroneous answer that springs ‘impulsively’ to mind.”Professor Frederick had explained.
Out of all who took part in the challenge, only 17% managed to score 3 out 3 on the test, while about 83% of people failed it.
If you were the one, will you pass the IQ test?
Out of all who took part in the challenge, only 17% managed to score 3 out 3 on the test

Take a look at the question:
- A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
The answer commonly guessed was 10 cents, but was considered incorrect. The correct answer is 5 cents.
- If it takes five machines five minutes to make five widgets, how long would it take 100 matches to make 100 widgets?
The answer commonly guessed was 100 minutes, but was considered incorrect. The correct answer is 5 minutes.
- In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?
The answer commonly guessed was 24 days, but was considered incorrect. The correct answer is 47 days.
If you were the one, will you pass the IQ test?

Well! You can try your luck, and beat the existing record.