Zoo Escape Drill Goes Viral And People Are Amused At The Real Lion’s Reaction
The lion family at the Zoo were not tempted to act.
It’s no doubt that we all have been through an emergency drill. Whether it’s been carried out by a cute flight attendant waving her hand around or a fire drill at work, all of these drills and many more can actually go wrong.
But apparently, social media is full of surprises lately. While it has not only been offering gorgeous tattoo designs lately to entertaining news on tweets and cat videos, it has, however, did bring out a Japanese Zoo escape drill and people are so far amused.
A Japanese Zoo reached a consensus to perform A Lion Escape

The Zoo dressed up a human as a lion and it quite makes sense

The fake-dressed up lion was observed by the real animals

As the human-imposter dressed lion was roaming around the Zoo freely, the main lions stood still watching the scene – Not impressed though!

Quite hilarious, but no one would ever want to face an actual lion in real life.
The pictures from the drill indicated that the imposter was pretending to be an escaped lion who started wandering around the Zoo in search of prey.
As seen, the drill was good practice for Zoo Workers, but we hope they don’t get used to tranquilizer and nets in the real sense.

The Good thing about it is that the lion family at the Zoo were not tempted to act, they all stayed cuddled up watching the ridiculous scene.
Click The Video Below To Catch The Full Gist:
People’s reactions are hilarious: