24 Amazing Cake Decors That We Don’t Want To Ruin So Badly
Let’s be real: nobody will want to eat and ruin these cake.
There are a lot of reasons that some people avoid eating cakes at all. Cakes are typically high in calorie and are most of the time non-vegetarian friendly unless they don’t use egg in the dough at all. But here is another reason why people don’t want to eat these cakes.
They are too adorable and perfect to be ruined. How can anyone even have the heart to ruin these pieces of sweet art at all?
You will love these cakes. You will want them for your birthday and other special events and you will most definitely won’t eat them!
1. When your mom gives you a cake for your birthday and still insults you.

2. My dad recently finished renovating a restaurant. They had this cake at the re-opening.

3. Trevi Fountain Cake.

4. Pennywise Cake!

5. Turkey Cake

6. Prison Mike CAKE. “And I never got caught neither!”

7. My niece’s birthday cake with hedwig on it

8. “For her birthday, I had the best of @thebakeryden put some of her favourite books in a cake.”

9. WHOSE DOG IS TH- omg.

10. And we know this room (look at that smol dreamcatcher behind her!).

11. The sweetest way to celebrate joining the force.

12. Cake my girlfriend made for her daughter’s 21st tonight.

13. Shopping thoughts?

14. Cake Photography.

15. London cake for that London spirit.

16. Someone’s making himself clear tonight on who’s the boss in the house. It’s Boris, in case you don’t know.

17. The brave, the beauty, the adventurous, the kind-hearted – all in one cake.

18. Chocolate Racers Cake

19. Painting love on this plain heart of yours.

20. Don’t you have that sudden urge to pluck something out of this perfectly messy cake?

21. To eat a cake of a giraffe who is eating.

22. Chocolate birthday cake decorated to look like a dig site, with marzipan fossils hidden beneath crumb “dirt”

23. This cake for my graduation day – even has a Tekken graphic on the screen of the laptop.
24. Girl makes Millenium Falcon cake