30 Times People Traveled To Japan And Find They’re Just Too Tall For The Country
The Japanese learned to be economical when it comes to space.
Every country is expected to have wide-open spaces for big cars, houses, huge skyscrapers and for even tall individuals. This is however not the case for Japan.
About 126 million individuals had squeezed to fit into the four main islands that has a 26 times smaller area when compared to the United States of America.
The Japanese had over time learned to be economical when it comes to space. Most especially in the area of houses, and dioramas – making it quite difficult for taller people to visit the country.
Nevertheless, we, at Waterballoon have compiled a list of people who traveled to Japan and discovered they just can’t fit in. We, however, recommend you get a helmet (for over 6ft tall being) if you plan on traveling down to Japan.
Kindly scroll down to see the list for yourself!!
#1 Tall In Japan

#2 My 6’7″ Stepfather Is Visiting Japan This Week

#3 6’3” Lived In A Traditional Japanese House In Japan For Two Months. There Were Lots Of Exposed Wooden Beams

#4 Life Being Tall In Japan. Side Note: This Was A Hit With The Crowd And There Were Lots Of Giggles

#5 My Trip To Japan As A 6.3 Feet Guy Summed Up

#6 Everytime I Visit Japan I Feel Like I Don’t Fit In… I Wonder Why?

#7 Shark Bait

#8 In Japan, Tall Friends Duck Together

#9 I Recently Travelled To Japan

#10 Asked A Guy To Take A Photo Of Me And My Friends With Some Bathing Snow Monkeys In Nagano, Japan. Checked The Photo Later

#11 Tall People Problems

#12 We Came, We Saw, We Raised The Roof

#13 Japan Wasn’t Built For Me

#14 Stayed One Night In This Hostel In Japan. My Head Connected With This Light 8 Times

#15 Loved My First Trip To Japan

#16 If I Could Summarize My Recent Trip To Japan In One Photo, This Would Be It

#17 Hotels Suck

#18 Another Problem With Being A Tall Man In Japan

#19 The Free Brain Cell Removal Rooflines Are A Common Fixture In Japan

#20 Being Tall In Japan

#21 Meanwhile In Tokyo

#22 Just Got Back From A Trip To Japan. I Know I’m Tall. Didn’t Realize Just *How* Tall Compared To All The Japanese Folks

#23 So My Brother (6’7″), My Sister (6’0″), And Myself (6’4″) Went To Japan… We Had A Hard Time Getting In

#24 Tall People Problems #5535 – On A Train In Japan

#25 Just Found R/Tall. I’m Happy To Finally Be Among My Kind. Here’s Me In Japan Trying To Fit In

#26 Big In Japan

#27 Traditional Japanese Home. Clearing Doorways Is A Challenge

#28 My Shower At My Hotel In Japan. I Am Not Pleased Nor Is My Neck

#29 Being 6 Ft 3 In Was Pretty Tough In Japan

#30 To Tall Guys Travelling In Japan: I Feel You, Brothers. I’m 195 Cm (6’4″)