Netflix’s ‘Marriage Story’ Asks What Do You Love About Your Partner
What I love about…
At the start of a marriage, everything looks beautiful, perfect and just right. None, however, survives without a single problem and many ships wrecked.

‘Marriage Story’ by Netflix stars Scarlett Johansson, Adam Driver as a couple with a son. Netflix upped their game as they split the trailer into two, depicting two points of view by each character, talking about what they love about each other. That is totally sweet and beautiful because no matter how bad things seem, you can always remember the things that made you fell head over heels for the other.
This is Nicole’s perspective, voiced and portrayed by Golden Globe nominee Scarlett Johansson.
This is Charlie’s perspective, voiced and acted by Adam Driver, an Academy Award nominee.
During a press release for Netlfix, Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Noah Baumbach talks about the movie, “‘Marriage Story’ is a love story that reveals itself within the breakdown.”
“With these companion trailers, I wanted to show the relationship through the eyes of both characters. There are many sides to every story, and the movie embraces these different viewpoints in order to find the shared truth.”
World Premiere of the movie will be at the Venice Film Festival on August 29, 2019.