You Can Get A Harness For Your Chicken To Safely Cross The Road
You can choose a color that matches your chicken the best.
A company known as Yesito is presently selling colorful harnesses that will assist in solving your chicken walking needs. Sold on Amazon, the company gave chicken owners the liberty to choose a color that matches his/her chicken best.
The company, however, has claimed that their product is very well adjustable and quite easy to wear for your chicken.
More info: Amazon
Yesito is presently selling colorful chicken harnesses on Amazon

Since it equally makes your chicken more comfortable, the company further stated that: “You will not worry that the chicken will get rid of the harness when walking the chicken at the street.” Apparently, the company meant your chicken won’t have crossed a road unless you allow it to.

You can choose from the several colors produced – And all of them come with sets of bowties

While the leash is also made of breathable and durable fabric, the company added: “Teach your fowls to walk on a leash and find your peace of mind again.” However, the leashes go for CDN$30 (~$ 23).

Cool Blue

Royal Purple

Classy Black

Hot Red

Accordingly, you can now purchase a stylish egg collector apron. Yes, Yesito is also involved in more chicken associated stuff.

Shockingly, the harnesses can be worn by a duck too!

The design by Yesito has been surprising for people on the internet and here’s their reaction so far: