Animals Shelter Asking People To Raid Them Instead Of Area 51
“Adopting these furry friends is not far out of this world.”
You must have read about two to three articles on the Facebook event titled “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All Of Us”, on our website. Slated for September 20th, the event presently has 2 million attendees and has attracted the attention of the United States Military.
Earlier, an Air Force Spokesperson had disheartened individuals from raiding the area. Nevertheless, what occurs on the internet usually stay there, implying that the event was centered only as a prank. This prank has, however, inspired an animal welfare center in Oklahoma City to discover an Ingenious means of inviting adopters.
More Info: Facebook | Oklahoma City Animal Welfare
“Come Storm Our Shelter”

“Come storm our shelter…….. We have in stock adorable animals ready to protect you from the Area 51 Aliens. Adopting them is not far out of this world #Stormtheshelter,” a representative from the Animal Welfare Center had written on Facebook.
“We have in stock adorable animals ready to protect you from the Are 51 aliens”

“Adoption is not far out of this world”

The Animal service also included some themed pictures of their lovely furry friends that are up for adoption. The Animal Care service equally dressed up the dogs by wearing them a small tin foil hat with an antenna. Hurriedly, the post went viral and garnered several likes and comments.
The post made by the Animal Care Services was a reference to the Facebook Event Page “Storm Area 51”

Presently, the shelter has 116 dogs, 2 piggies and 39 cats for adoption

Two of three pictured dogs have been adopted – the black dog named Lady is still up

With a bit of luck, all of them will soon find their homes

Here’s However How People Reacted: