Batman Robert Pattinson Drops Movie Due To Scheduling Conflicts
Filming for Batman is also beginning soon.
Our new Batman is jam-packed with filming schedules and was only recently announced to be Matt Reeves’ new Batman. Having accepted the offer, pre-production of the movie is set to begin this summer. His other movie, ‘Tenet’ has only finished wrapping up their filming and not much about it known so far.
Unfortunately, he had to drop one project and that’s ‘The Souvenir’ sequel which won Grand Jury Prize during Sundance Festival this year. It was said to be in the middle of development, but Robert Pattison won’t appear in Joana Hogg’s ‘The Souvenir’ sequel.

“Despite Rob’s strong desire to do the film, scheduling proved impossible but he very much looks forward to working with Joanna on something down the line,” his team explains to IndieWire.
The new Batman by Matt Reeves will focus on Batman’s skillsets as a capable detective, but it won’t be something original. However, it’s going to ignore several storylines of previous ones, much like Terminator.
“Year One is one of the many comic books that I love. We are definitely not doing Year One,” Reeves said. “It’s just exciting to be focused very specifically on a tale that is defining for him and very personal to him. Obviously, we’re not doing an origin tale or anything like that. We’re doing a story that is definitively Batman though, and trying to tell a story that’s emotional and yet is really about him being the world’s greatest detective and all the things that for me since I was a kid, made me love Batman.”
The movie is due to arrive in theaters on June 25, 2021, featuring Robert Pattinson as the new Batman.