Man Surprisingly Proposed His Girlfriend With A Tiny Golden Retriever
July 22, 2019‘But when I looked closer and underneath, it reads “Will you marry me”?
Teenage Couple With Down Syndrome Are Crowned Prom King And Queen By Classmates
July 17, 2019The couples were toddlers when they met at the Charity 21 Plus.
20+ People Who Realized They’ve Been Dating An Idiot
July 13, 2019Mistakenly doing something idiotic doesn’t mean the individual is stupid.
30 People Married Their Prom Dates And Shared The Before & After Pics
July 12, 2019From prom date to husband and wife - what an amazing journey!
32-Year-Old Vegan Revealed Why She Is Still A Virgin, Despite Having A Long-Term Boyfriend
July 11, 2019It's all about being happy in your own way.
15 Illustrations Depicting What Simple Happiness In A Relationship Is Like
July 9, 2019Her illustrations will cheer up everyone's mood.
Why Pisces Is The Most Difficult Sign To Understand
July 9, 2019They are quiet, mysterious and sometimes have weird rumors swirling around them.
Woman Falls In Love With The Same Guy Even After Losing Her Memory
July 6, 2019Well! This is true love.
Jeremy Kyle Bosses Admit The Inconsistency Of Lie Detectors
July 2, 2019Jeremy Kyle Show is axed and what follows is the revelation that the lie detectors aren't...
Preschool Sweethearts Reunited 12 Years Later And Got Married
June 27, 2019"We have this amazing story, but the story isn’t what kept us together for seven years...
Man Shares Touching Marriage Advice He Wishes He Knew Before Getting Divorced
June 27, 2019'Keep dating her, even after the marriage'
My Couple Comics Show How Different Me And My Bae Are
June 25, 2019‘I honestly had fun while creating them.’
Couples Who Really Love Each Other Tend To Gain Weight, Scientists Say
June 24, 2019Ever thought that it's actually because you're happy?
Newlyweds Are Going On Separate Honeymoons Without Their Spouses, Report Says
June 24, 2019Quite beyond for ‘till death do us apart’.
Woman Who Married To 300-Year-Old Ghost Of Pirate Announces Their Marriage Is Over
June 17, 2019‘Be VERY careful when dabbling in spirituality’