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Children From The US And Mexico Play Together On These Seesaws Built On The Border Wall


Children From The US And Mexico Play Together On These Seesaws Built On The Border Wall

Despite the fence line divide!!

The US/Mexico border wall has been a top priority in the Trump administration. We recall that since taking office, the US President Donald Trump has been very keen on the building and completion of the fence line that divides the United States from Mexico against all opposition.


The controversial wall which has been under construction for quite some times now has attracted varying opinions and views from politicians, technocrats and several statesmen.


However, a recent trending event regarding the Trump fence line is the video of both American and Mexican children who were seen playing seesaw on the fence line. Amazing, is it?

The videos were posted by professor Ronald Rael of the University of California and associate professor Virginia San Fratello of the San Jose State University.


And surprisingly, these videos have attracted a lot of likes and positive comments since they were posted.


People are obviously amused by the show of affection by these little children who against all odds and presidential order decided to play with each other from both sides of the fence.

Here’s How People Reacted

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