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Ecologists Warn That By 2070 1700 Animal Species Might Go Extinct Due To Human Activity


Ecologists Warn That By 2070 1700 Animal Species Might Go Extinct Due To Human Activity

““While biodiversity erosion in far-away parts of the planet may not seem to affect us directly, its consequences for human livelihood can reverberate globally”

Environemtal problems is fast proving to be a global challenge. Unless evey human decides to ‘be the chane’ in their dialy routines and adopt sustaibale habits, this problem will quicly spiral out of control, If evolution has taught us something, its that 50- years from now, the world we live in will be totally different if we don’t change fast. No tonly will natural disasters be more common, air quality becoming toxic, approximately 1,700 species may also go extinct due to human activity

This shocking revelation was published in a finding by Yale University ecologists earlier this month. In an article titled Nature Climate change, researchers explain that as humans continue expanding their land use, other species are left with little ground to subsist on. As a result, step population declines is projected to occur in over 1700 species of birds, amphibians and mammals.

The ecologists made the predicition after combining the present geographic distributions of about 19,400 species worldwide and the predicted land cover under four different outcomes.

“Our findings link these plausible futures with their implications for biodiversity,” said study co-author Walter Jetz. “Our analyses allow us to track how political and economic decisions — through their associated changes to the global land cover — are expected to cause habitat range declines in species worldwide.”

Those at highest risk include 886 species of amphibians, 436 species of birds and 376 species of mammals. Previous studies have estimated more than 400 mammalian carnivores and ungulate species will decline by as much as one-third by 2050.

“Losses in species populations can irreversibly hamper the functioning of ecosystems and human quality of life,” said Jetz. “While biodiversity erosion in far-away parts of the planet may not seem to affect us directly, its consequences for human livelihood can reverberate globally. It is also often the far-away demand that drives these losses – think tropical hardwoods, palm oil, or soybeans – thus making us all co-responsible.”

Among the species predicted to be most affected include the Lombok cross frog (Indonesia), the Nile lechwe (Soth Sudan), the Curve-billed reed hunter (Argentina, Brazil, and Uuruguay), and the pale-browed treehunter (Brrazil).

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