Hilarious Tumblr Posts About Introverts That Will Crack You Up
‘I don’t want to go to your party but I want to be invited.’
This is perhaps the best time to be an introvert. With the numerous online video streaming sites, games and host of online bookstores to keep one comfortable at home and beyond, an introvert will always be at the comfort of their couch.
Coupled with food delivery at one’s doorstep, there’s no better excuse that will make an introvert leave their comfort zone. Dealing with the society for introverts can be quite a bother, and after prolonged social interactions, they just find their way to refresh their batteries with being alone. Obviously, the world knows them for this and have no problem with that.
We at Waterballoon has, however, compiled a list of some funny posts by introverts who acknowledged their fate and couldn’t but afford to crack few jokes about it.
So enjoy!!

































