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Illustrator Reveals The Ludicrous Truth Of Society In 40 Illustrations


Illustrator Reveals The Ludicrous Truth Of Society In 40 Illustrations

Shaped from human slavery to technology and ………

Our modern world has overtime engaged in a void it might not come out of. Shaped by human slavery to technology and now ignorance towards humanity, the Earth is in a total mess.

The major things that disengage humans from beasts and the irony that exists in life at this moment are very obvious that it’s becoming difficult to step back and take it all in.

With his admirable talent in redefining complex issues into simple, yet striking images with understandable messages, Marco Melgrati is the right man for such task.

The Italian illustrators and artist now based in Mexico is already a known household artist in the editorial universe. Solving far-reaching issues among others with his handwork, Melgrati has graced the pages of well-known publishing houses across the globe.

We have a compilation of his amazing work that will WOW you. Just scroll down!

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#1 Keep your cool, no matter what.

#2 The Magic Carpet.

#3 A Surreal Morning

#4 Power, Justice, Propaganda.

#5 Some Things Never Change

#6 Modern Times

#7 Femme Fatale

#8 Bathtub

#9 Stranger in the night

#10 Time to evolve

#11 Vixens using their brains better

#12 Allegations of sexual harassment

#13 Teenager and students movement for gun control and against NRA

#14 Floating Bridges

#15 Social network love and relationships

#16 Female self-confidence

#17 Imaginative relationships

#18 Going against the grain

#19 Real time war experience

#20 The invisible hands behind great wars

#21 Everybody needs somebody

#22 The unstoppable in the current world crisis

#23 Conceptual love

#24 Creepy bed time tales

#25 Always be ready for any opportunity

#26 The dancing death

#27 Humble Jesus and modern religion

#28 The untainted beauty of Africa

#29 Why creationist and evolutionists cant co-exist

#30 Zombie world created by social media

#31 Social media narcissism

#32 Naked savage embrace

#33 The thumbs makers and thumbs givers division

#34 Swimming into the cosmos

#35 Follow that motivational instinct

#36 Dog wars of the second world war

#37 Boundaries are the solution, not the limits

#38 Miracles don’t need to occur for career change

#39 Forgetting is the hardest task

#40 Pacified war

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