Is Daenerys Really Going to Stay Dead?
A brief analysis.
The sixth episode of the last season of the Game of Thrones left a lot of open windows to wonder about.
One clip of the ending scene witnessed John Snow walking into the Red Keep where Daenerys was already standing admiring the Iron throne. Although he was stopped by Drogon, the last surviving dragon, but had to let Snow in since he was a Targaryen and does not pose any threat.
John Snow however, did killed Daenerys in the Red Keep after being convinced by Tyrion Lannister that his queen is not the savior they thought she would be and that she was eventually going to burn down the North since the Stark’s are never going to bend the knee to her.

Drogon sensing that its mother is dead came around angry and sad, but instead of burning John, who killed its mother, Drogon melted the Iron throne which was the seat of authority its mother fought for. The dragon left John Standing in the Red keep and took its mother by the claws then flew away.
Where was Drogon taking Queen Daenerys to?

Bran Stark the new king of the six kingdoms and protector of the realms inquired about the dragon and was told that the dragon was last spotted heading towards volantis. We know that volantis is a town that serves the Lord of Light whose worshiper once resurrected John Snow from the dead. Could it be that the dragon is taking its mother to volantis for possible resurrections?
This question is one of the open doors HBO have left us to wonder about. We really wonder how John Snow would feel to hear that his queen and lover whom he killed to protect his family is back to life.
On the other hand, does the mark of the night king on the hand of Brandon Stark have any significance? Could this mean that Bran would eventually turn into another night king?

These are all open doors that suggests there might be a bonus episode or a continuation of the popular Game of Thrones………!!!! Let brace up for an episode 7.