Supergirl Movie To Begin Production Early 2020
Set to release on theaters in 2021.
Superman, the ultimate superhero of them all, probably won’t get another movie according to Warner Bros. But the DC Universe will welcome another character with similar superpower, the Supergirl.
The DC Universe is messed up, unlike Marvel franchise which was neatly planned out from production date, actors down to their release date. However, since Aquaman’s success, DC Comics seems to have finally got a hang of what they are doing.
Supergirl’s movie is set to begin production during the first quarter of 2020 and is slated to release in 2021. This helps thanks to the success of the TV series of Supergirl was successful.

DC Comics had starred the right people for their roles; Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill both were hailed praises in their roles as the Batman and Superman. Unfortunately, Man of Steel garnered only less than 60% positive reviews and even worse with Batman vs. Superman at 27% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Justice League was a disappointment, earning only $657 million worldwide when Batman vs. Superman earned $873 million.
DC Comics have finally begun to understand how superhero movies work; they are not just a bunch of people with superpowers who fly everywhere and kick ass. They have stories to tell, internal conflicts to solve, and relationships they need to work out with.
But now that Ben Affleck has also confirmed to leave the saga, passing on the torch to Robert Pattinson for Matt Reeves’ new Batman, Aquaman 2 story locked, who knows? Maybe this will mark the rise of a new range of superheroes that won’t disappoint.